COMPANY PROFILE & WHAT ‘COMFEY PET?PINE CAT LITTER IS ALL ABOUT. Comfey Pet Pine Cat Litter was conceived by our UK Company approx 15 years ago as a boutique product, it has gone on to be recognised as ‘A Leader?of all brands and types in the cat litter market in the UK. Comfey Pet is now so popular in Europe (up to 200 tonnes per month) we decided that it was time Australia and it’s pets had the opportunity to use it also. While it is made to our original Comfey Pet Award Winning Formula it is manufactured here, in Australia, from Australian grown pine. We have been in the wood and timber waste business for nearly fifty years now, with the second generation of our family very firmly entrenched both in the UK and in Australia. We established ourselves originally as re-users of wood waste and residues, now the buzz word is recycling. We are proud of the fact that we have been recycling for close on fifty years and ‘Going 4 Green?for over 40years. It so happened that we discovered early on in the piece that pine wood waste, not only has a lovely refreshing smell, was the most absorbent of any of the residues that came our way, so an idea for wood based cat litter was born. One of our other interests was the poultry industry and animal feed manufacturing. By experimentation and modification of our feed pelletizing machine we were able to produce the famous Comfey Pet Cat Litter pellets. Some other cat litters are dug out of Mother Earth and it is now recognised this is not a good thing to do. If we embrace the ethic of ‘Going for Green?then you don’t do this. We have created a product from waste that does not harm Mother Earth, now we reckon that’s a good thing. Our Comfey Pet Cat Litter is manufactured from the residues of fast-grown pine timber that is fully sustainable. We avoid the use of waste from non-sustainable trees ?such as hardwood - which has only half the absorbency of pine and has also been known to stain carpets etc?when used as a pet litter. Over the years we have experimented with other types of wood waste including hardwood but nothing comes close to the performance and quality of Comfey Pet. As our company ethic is based on ‘Going for Green?we discourage the use of hardwoods where ever possible and have outsourced small amounts purely for performance testing against the unbeatable Comfey Pet Cat Litter. You can rest assured, when you use Comfey Pet Quality Cat Litter or associated products, not only have you bought the best product for your valued pet you are supporting the ‘Going for Green?movement, we are becoming ever more aware that we have a serious responsibility to ensure the continuity of this beautiful world.
Company Info
Basic Information |
Company Name: | East Coast Woodshavings |
Business Type: |
Manufacturer Exporter
Product/Services: | Comfey Pet pine cat litter,Comfey Pet pine reptile litter,Natty Cat lucerne cat litter,Hysorb pine wood shavings,Lucerne Pellets,Lucerne Crumb,Comfey Pet pet pack,Comfey Pet briefcase,Horse Bedding,Poultry Bedding, |
Company Website URL: | TradeNews.html |